Join The Army




   Welcome to the UK Aldabra Tortoise Army page, we are pleased that you are interested in your tortoise becoming a recruit. Please can you fill in the application form with your tortoise details and send it back to



The Aldabra Tortoise Army Aplication Form Open Office Version
ODT file – 19.0 KB 118 downloads
Aldabra Tortoise Army Application Form Word Version
Word – 16.9 KB 123 downloads



   The Army is only recruiting Aldabra Giant Tortoises, who live in the British Isles. We are looking at the tortoises that will become the big grey ones, not Sulcata (the large brown ones) or any of the smaller breeds, no doubt there will already be other specialist groups out there looking for particpants for those animals. Unfortunately we will not accept applications from the Galapagos Giants either.


   Depending on how much interest there is, from other Aldabra owners, on working together for the good of UK Aldabras, will influence what future projects the new Aldabra Army will take part in.


About The UK Aldabra Tortoise Army


  The Idea of the UK Aldabra Tortoise Army is to encourage fellow Aldabra keepers to share their knowledge and set up, with other owners, so that we can help improve Aldabra husbandry here in the British Isles. There is no real right or wrong ways to take care of them but there will be ways that we can improve- us included, you are never too knowledgable to learn more. Whether you look after a massive Adult Aldabra or a diddy yearling your observations still matter, so don’t be afraid to jump in and share you findings.


  We are limiting the membership to just people who live in the British Isles, because owners abroad will have different environmental parameters that they work with. However, if you live abroad and have information or suggestions which you feel may be helpful feel free to chip in and contact us and it will be passed on to the other Army members.


  We have long held the wish for our tortoises to do something towards helping their species and not just sit in a field getting fat, stuffing their shell with grass. And we suspect that there are other owners out there who will feel similarly. Although we have a large number of animals, they are all in the same place, so there is a limit on what we can learn from them. However with the ATA we will gain incites potentially from people right across the British Isles. A sharing of knowledge must be a good thing and help improve Aldabra husbandry even further. We have already learned so much from those valiant pioneers who first brought them into his country. It is time to take things to the next level.




  Although the ultimate aim is to work with other zoos, wild life parks and private owners, in this country to set up a UK breeding programme for the Aldabra Giant Tortoise. There will be many other smaller projects that we can look into too.


  If you have any suggestions feel free to drop us a line and we can investigate the logistics of getting it up and running. Likewise if you are a scientist or researcher who is looking for animals to monitor we may be able to help.


  It does not matter if you are not into the science side of it, you are still welcome to join and benefit from results and others suggestions. We need to remember that we all live in different areas of the country with different soil types, light levels, temperature levels and that is going to influence our animals behaviours. Nothing happens quickly with Aldabras so if we can learn something from each other and pass it on then it will make our tortoises lives better.


  The idea of the ‘Army’ is not that you will spend hours swamped with research projects, or have us nattering at you all of the time, you want chance to enjoy your hobby in peace. However, you will probably receive an email once a year just to let you know that we are still alive and kicking.


  We will post any upcoming projects onto the website and you can feel free to sign up or not- depending on if it is something you are interested in, or have time to take part in. The results will also be posted for others to benefit from, some of them may also help with care of some of the smaller breeds too.


  Here at Aldabra Giant Tortoises UK we do not come from a science background, we are private individuals who have a lifetime of experience at keeping tortoises and are now focusing on the giants. So, please do not worry that you are going to have to learn the periodic table or have to buy a microscope! we expect we will be looking more at practical observation projects, so you may need to break open a new note book and sharpen a pencil!!!


  In conclusion, we are inviting all fellow Aldabra owners, in the British Isles, to help form a UK Aldabra Tortoise Army and to join us on this ground breaking mission. Please help us begin by downloading and filling in the above application form for your tortoise(s).


Wake up boys! your in 'The Army' now.



More details about the UK Aldabra Tortoise Army.


  • It Is free to join and we will never ask you for a donation.
  • Only open to any Aldabra Tortoises living anywhere in the British Isles.
  • It does not matter how large or small, young or old the animal is, all are welcome to participate.
  • No limit on the number of Aldabras you can enrol.
  • Your information will not be published on the website, or shared with others without consent.
  • You would only be contacted about Aldabra projects.
  • You will not be bombarded with research requests.
  • You can choose which projects you want to take part in.
  • The results of projects will be published on the website for the benefit of all.
  • You are welcome to suggest any possible future projects for the ATA to undertake.
  • We will not be organising conferences or Aldabra ‘get togethers’ around the country.
  • If you know other Aldabra owners please spread the word and encourage them to join up as well.



"Do I qualify?"

"Yes, you all do!"