Please click on any of the above topics, or look in the dropdown sections for more information on Aldabra, and other tortoises.


Donate To The Tortoises



Anyone wishing to make a donation to the tortoises can do so by using their paypal account, and sending the money to:



   We would like to sincerely thank anyone who chooses to make a donation, for their generosity, and assure you that 100% of the money will be used towards the tortoises welfare. Whether that is for a bag of carrots, or something as a treat. To helping to fund their heating bill over the winter, or buying something essential for their housing. Your contribution will make a big, and effective, difference to their lives. So......





From all at Aldabra Giant Tortoises UK (shelled and otherwise!)



Please only donate if you can afford to do and there is absolutely no obligation on anyone to do so.