Please click on any of the above topics, or look in the dropdown sections for more information on Aldabra, and other tortoises.

How Can I Find Out More About My Tortoise?


   If you are worried about the animal’s health then veterinary attention is obviously the first port of call. Getting professional help sooner rather than later is best, as tortoises can be difficult to treat and take a long while to recover.


   In this age of modern technology you are not solely reliant on going to the library and researching through books, although there is a wealth of knowledge to be found there. With the abundant use of the internet, this facility is becoming an under used resource.


   There are plenty of tortoise enthusiast groups and forums on the internet, for all different breeds of tortoise. And the members, from all over the world, are welcoming and more than happy to share their wealth of knowledge and experiences with other keepers. Some of these people have dedicated years to learning more about one particular species and are true experts on their chosen tortoise.


   Don’t be afraid to ask questions, in your quest to learn more, even if you may feel a little dumb doing so, you have to remember these people were also beginners too, once upon a time.


   You are not alone, we can almost guarantee that others will have experienced the same problems as you, and it is a great way to make new friends. You never know, in the future, you might be able to help someone else too!


   It isn’t necessary to take a gap year and go study Sulcata’s in the hostile Sahara Dessert, or spend all of your holiday in Greece making notes about the Greek Spur-thighed tortoise. You don’t need the expense of going to university, or to find time to take a night class, around looking after your family and job. The animal does not care if you have a PHD, or no formal qualifications to your name, just to watch over them. You can achieve all this knowledge, with patience and diligence, in your own back garden, with your own pets. Go sit out in the sunshine, with a chilled can and relax, enjoy spending time on your hobby, observing them and how they use their environment. Sit there and plan how you could alter your pen and improve the animals surroundings, it does not all have to happen at once. Plans benefit from being fluid and we guarantee that they will be changed over time, before it is completed, as your learning and facilities evolve. Teach your children to appreciate the wonders of nature, you never know this could inspire you, or them, to become the next David Attenborough. Never underestimate the power of citizen science.


   New things are always being discovered about tortoises, through research and observation, and you will never know all there is to know about them but it can make a very interesting hobby and passion.


   If you take on one of the rarer species of animals then you may even get chance to work with zoos and other veterinary medical facilities, possibly, around the world in a breeding programme, to help save a species.


Warning: Keeping tortoises can become addictive, one is rarely enough for most enthusiasts!


Some websites and forums that might help you begin your research and knowledge:




The following useful website page shows helpful pictures and descriptions of the tortoises you are most likely to be able to buy in the uk and may help you to make a decision on which species you are looking to get.

Tortoise Care – Identifying Each Species | Zoological International


The following website shows details about most of the different tortoises species (it is American, so not all of them will be easy to get in this country.)


Don't be afraid to be curious about your tortoise- no matter what species it is.





Why did the tortoise sign up for confidence classes?

A: He needed help to come out of his shell.