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What Is As Heavy As Samson?


   Our biggest tortoise, Samson tops the scales at 200kg (200,000g). Just for fun, what would he be as heavy as? Let us know any suggestions and they can be added to the list.


1 Silver Back Gorilla


5 Adult Male German Shepherd Dogs


8 Bags Of Cement


134 Darth Vader Masks


200 Bags of Sugar


332 Pairs Of Court Shoes


352 Basketballs


1000  Vinyl Reconds


1,332 Guadeloupean Bananas


2,000 Blueberry Muffins


2,352 Tarantula


2,910 I-pads


4,000 Darts


6,666 Bunches Or Roses


10,000 Sushi’s


20,000 Newborn Baby Herman Tortoise Hatchlings


64,000 Teabags


74,076 Table Tennis Balls


153,848 Ballons


2,564,102 Bees


4,000,000 Waterdrops


66 Billion Grains of sand (who counted them all!!)


It would take 3 Samson’s to equal the heart of a blue whale.









Why did the tortoise cross the road?

A: He didnt, there was a lot of traffic that day so he thought better of it!

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